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Fussy Kids - Healthy after-school snacks

"Fussy eaters" is a term I remember hearing a lot about when my daughter was young and her friends came round.

It's hard when your children simply refuse to eat, and it is often common for parents to cook more than one meal for a family dinner.

In my own experience, of my daughter and friends and family's children that getting the children to be hands-on when cooking is crucial.

My daughter Belle would always help cook with me in the kitchen, also sitting down to eat together - learning to enjoy eating is so important.

So after being at a Christmas party and talking to some mums who are struggling, I thought I would do a few recipes that are geared up to being after-school healthy snacks that get the children involved.

Hope you enjoy x

Carrot and apple energy balls

This recipe is quick, and great to get your kids too make with you.


1 x egg

170g oats

100g rasins

30g shredded coconut

1 tsp cinnamon

70 ml honey

2-3 tbs of coconut oil

1 grated (pealed) carrot

1 grated (pealed) apple

bit of shredded coconut to roll on the outside


Preheat the oven to 180C, and line a tray with greaseproof paper - get the kids to rub a little coconut oil on the paper (all kids love using their hands and mess lol)

Then grab a mixing bowl and measure out all the dry ingredients, and the grated carrot and apple (kids can do all that too) and melt the oil and honey, and whisk the egg.

Pour into the dry ingredients and mix up it will start to come together in little balls - if its to wet add a few more oats.

Then roll in a small bowl in a little-shredded coconut to coat the outside.

Start to form walnut-sized balls and place on the tray.

Then bake for 15-20 mins (turning half way - and checking that they are not to brown on the outside)

These little balls of goodness are a great alternative to buying cakes or chocolate, there are lots of different varieties so experiment with different fruits.

But most of all by getting your children to literally get hands-on, trust me they will love them.

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